Need to better link your supply chain planning methodology to business strategy?

Our demand-driven solution puts S&OP in the driver’s seat by setting planning parameters that resolve constraints first, and then flexibly executing production within those ground rules.

And that eliminates excess inventory, lead time, waste and obsolescence, all while improving service levels.

Our innovative approach leverages knowledge from Theory of Constraints, traditional MRP & DRP, Six Sigma, Lean and Flow to accommodate a diverse range of items, production rhythms, geographies and markets. Delivered at a fraction of the cost of traditional supply chain software, our SaaS solution is a robust, yet easy to use offering that:

  • Honors both pull (replenishment) and push (promotional or seasonal) demand
  • Uses demand-driven supply planning and inventory management techniques that segment the planning process according to an item’s demand profile
  • Includes supply chain conditioning to set up rules and policies and refine monthly
  • Offers complete support to demand-driven inventory planning processes including events, life cycle planning, capacity planning and multi-tier planning
  • Speeds the planning cycle and includes the ability to simulate supply chain scenarios
  • Provides enterprise-class capabilities that support multi-lingual and multi-cultural global implementations.

Orchestr8’s cloud-based solution is designed to plan independently of MRP and complement ERP systems such as SAP and Oracle. And since the solution can be implemented in weeks, results are realized very quickly.

“Orchestr8 played a key role in establishing inventory management best practices worldwide which have enabled massive growth while maintaining our service levels.” -Grundfos

Our approach honors both demand and constraints to create supply and inventory strategies that are easily translated to daily operations. And with SaaS delivery, this highly affordable solution can be implemented in weeks.

Orchestr8 segments product ranges by demand profiles — using proven demand based statistical rules — greatly improving supply chain planning effectiveness. With this approach, you can finally position the right stock at the right time at the right place, reducing inventory levels by an average of 40% while improving service levels.

With Orchestr8, capacity planning involves understanding the volume impacts on the supply chain, so orders are released in line with real operating constraints. Our approach allows you to shorten the window of firm orders in factory and supplier schedules, and dramatically reduce MRP-driven order instability.

You can quickly analyze endless what-if scenarios across the supply chain. Key supply chain parameters – such as forecast, lead time and service targets — can be altered, and simulations can be run at item and group level giving users complete flexibility.

Our solution helps companies condition their supply chain by analyzing demand profiles and setting inventory targets that lead to more realistic S&OP. And that sound foundation means the execution process runs within the plan – creating a much simpler, self-managing process.